As a presenter, you will demonstrate and answer questions to Fair attendees about how learning technologies are being used in Regis classrooms. Presenters will also create a simple PowerPoint slide to be printed and displayed in the Poster Gallery of Learning Technologies. You’ll also have the opportunity to be interviewed during the Fair for publishing to the Video Gallery of Learning Technologies.
Each presenter is provided table space, electrical power and a wireless connection. Presenters are expected to provide their own laptop/netbook/mobile device, although a limited number of loaner laptops are available from ITS. Additional and/or specialized equipment is the responsibility of each presenter.
Interested? Then complete the online LT Fair Presenter Application Form at
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ltfair2015 . Or contact an LT Fair planning team member today! We look forward to seeing you there.
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ltfair2015 . Or contact an LT Fair planning team member today! We look forward to seeing you there.
The 5th Annual LT Fair Planning Team
General assistance
- Erin McCaffrey: emccaffr@regis.edu, x5212
- Nicole Ellison: nellison@regis.edu, x5291
- Jill Giacomini: jgiacomini@regis.edu, x5487
- Andrea Fitzsimmons: afitzsim@regis.edu, x5260
- Lauren Skuba: lskuba@regis.edu, x3651
- Violetta Miles: vmiles@regis.edu, x5311
- Ling Thompson: lthompso@regis.edu, x4215
- Doug Emmerich: demmeric@regis.edu, x4948