Tuesday, April 18, 2017

eLCC 2017 Conference

Carl Kinney

I really appreciate being given the opportunity to go to this conference. The administrative side of the conference is done so well.  Jeff mentioned in his post the talk given by Michael King from IBM and the Watson project.  I also really enjoyed this talk.  I think it is great that this type of research and data is being used so effectively.  It is wonderful that this type of technology is being used and integrated into Health Care and Education.  I also came away with a small amount of concern of making sure we as humans don't lose control.  I think it is great that we can basically teach robots to think, but what if a robot teaches itself how to think?  Okay, I'm not sure I want to go there, and I will say that what is being done is pretty amazing and great!

Another golden nugget from the conference was a session titled A Structured Approach to Using Technology to Improve Learning by Steve Green, United States Air Force Academy.
Nice that he mentioned Regis in his presentation several times and was very complimentary of Regis.
They have been doing all ground base and knew that needed to change how they conduct their classes.  Two things that stuck out to me:
  1.  His awareness that every school/college is different, and you need to determine how you want to do your education.  I took a picture of his slide around this.
  2. If you are doing blended learning it needs to be designed into the course, not just something that is added to the course.  
Again, I really appreciate having had the opportunity to go to this conference, and if you would like to discuss this or have any other questions, please let me know.  

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